Deadline: April 24, 2009
VSA arts Accepting Applications for Teaching Artist Fellowships
VSA arts is seeking applications from artist-educators for the Teaching Artist Fellowship, a program to identify, engage, and support outstanding teaching artists with disabilities in the visual and performing arts.
Benefits to selected Teaching Artist Fellows include program orientation and a professional development retreat designed especially for teaching artists; subscriptions/memberships within the teaching artist network (e.g., Teaching Artist Journal, Art Education, Teaching Theatre); networking and teaching opportunities in Washington, D.C. (stipend and travel costs included); and a stipend of $1,000 to support professional development or career goal objectives.
Teaching Artist Fellows will serve as facilitators for VSA arts educational efforts and will be profiled in VSA arts publications.
The program is open to artists with disabilities and experience working in pre-K-12 classrooms within the past three years. Applicants should demonstrate artistic achievement in visual or performing arts. (Note: This program is designed specifically for teaching artists. Classroom instructors are not eligible for the fellowship.)
Visit the VSA arts Web site for complete program information: